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Sobre a realidade

O pior analfabeto é o analfabeto político. Não ouve, não fala, não participa nos acontecimentos políticos. Não sabe que o custo de vida, o preço do feijão, do pão, da farinha, do vestuário, do calçado e remédios, dependem das decisões políticas. O analfabeto político é tão burro que se orgulha e enche o peito dizendo que odeia a política. Não sabe que da sua ignorância política nasce a prostituta, a criança abandonada e o pior de todos os bandidos que é o político corrupto, reles e lacaio das empresas nacionais e multinacionais.
Bertolt Brecht

It will reopen now and then,with news about Pedro Inf and Gahnah's music, and so on.

sexta-feira, março 20, 2009

Pedro Inf (Marinha Grande) - alternative music


Pedro Inf makes IDM and electronica . Who Pedro Inf exactly is, remains somewhat of a mystery: there are a lot of names on the funnily artworked sleeve, but these are all people who seem to have helped Pedro Inf creating this release (for example the mastering and the artwork). Who Pedro Inf himself actually is, is still not clear to me. On the myspace of Some Bizarre Records I get to read that Pedro Inf makes his music in reaction to the nowadays electronic music scene. And therefore chose to name his music 'sonar paintings'. As examples and influences Coil, Test Department and Richard D. James are named. Especially this last one – you may know him because he is Aphex Twin – I recognize in Pedro's music. And this is mainly recognizable when you think back to Aphex Twins Analords-series and the compilation "Chosen Lords" that accompanied this series. As with Aphex Twin also in Pedro Infs music the structure of the songs is sometimes hard to find, which makes the music harder to listen to. Personally I don't think this is a big minus: a somewhat abstract approach in the electronic music can get my positive attention most of the time, especially when the abstractness is being found in weird sounds and alienating rhythms, in stead of raging and painful noises. And luckily Pedro Inf creates the challenge with clear tones and a well produced sound. There are no real hits or highlights on this album, but maybe this isn't really necessary in this case. Pedro Inf and his 'sonar paintings' know how to please just in the way his examples and influences knew and still know how to. A nice release by Some Bizarre Records."


Wo is Pedro Inf?: Pedro Inf - Wikipedia


"Pedro Inf is a Portuguese musician releasing here his debut-album.(...) (To be continued)


Podcast of the radio show Le Vestibule aired July 26, 2008 from 9 PM to 11 PM on CFOU 89,1 FM (CFOU FM, la radio du campus de l'Université du Québec - CANADA, à Trois-Rivières.

(Player taken from HERE - Listen "Crazy BBB" by Pedro Inf in the last 5 mm of the player):

Listen to the July 26, 2008 radio show Le Vestibule, Québec, Canada. To hear PEDRO INF: Go to last sixth part of the player, about 1cm of the end:

In rádio "Эхе Москвы" - Rússia. Listen "I Love Trees" by Pedro Inf in the last 8 mm of the player:



Other references about Pedro Inf in the Web:

-AUSTRALIA: 2008's best albuns - see 76º, -BELGIUM: Side Line-music magazine, -BRASIL: Last FM Br (em 24º lugar no top dos principais artistas), Last FM Br; página de Pedro Inf -CANADA: Radio Vestibule I, -Canada II, -Canada III, MY SPACE, -ENGLAND: SomeBizarre Records , SomeBizarre Label , somebizarre, artists and catalog, Some Bizarre, Stevo, Stevo (comments), -ESTONIA: Klassika raadio (12º lugar), -FRANCE: VirginMega.Fr, -HOLLAND: X-Rated , Radio Kink fm I - , Radio Kink fm II - , Radio Kink fm III - , 7 Digital , 7 Digital II, -JAPÃO: Hatena, Amazon, -PORTUGAL: Tubarão Esquilo>, -RUSSIA: Radio Soyuz, Play List (16), -SPAIN:, -SWEDEN: Swedish DJ - see top 20 MARCH 2008, -TURKEY: TR-ance, -U.S.A. : Disco gs, DJ download , Amazone , Trackit Dow, FreeBase , Tower Records ,, HMV , SwapaCD , All music Import, Napster, DandeTracks, RoughTrade, NoolMusic, Emusic,
DJ, TrackitDown, DaceTracks, Napster., AllMusic, GothTronic, comments, Index of mp3 - see alphabetical order , Blogs.myspace, Wapedia

and so on...


Another "things" about Pedro:Click Here

Pedro Inf referenced by the music magazine "MOJO", two times, at 2008:


Pedro Inf no Jornal do Commercio - Recife - Brasil


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