Wo is Pedro Inf?: Pedro Inf - Wikipedia
"Pedro Inf is a Portuguese musician releasing here his debut-album.(...) (To be continued)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00º00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Podcast of the radio show Le Vestibule aired July 26, 2008 from 9 PM to 11 PM on CFOU 89,1 FM (CFOU FM, la radio du campus de l'Université du Québec - CANADA, à Trois-Rivières.(Player taken from HERE - Listen "Crazy BBB" by Pedro Inf in the last 5 mm of the player):
Listen to the July 26, 2008 radio show Le Vestibule, Québec, Canada. To hear PEDRO INF: Go to last sixth part of the player, about 1cm of the end: In rádio "Эхе Москвы" - Rússia. Listen "I Love Trees" by Pedro Inf in the last 8 mm of the player:
Other references about Pedro Inf in the Web:
-AUSTRALIA: 2008's best albuns - see 76º, -BELGIUM: Side Line-music magazine, -BRASIL: Last FM Br (em 24º lugar no top dos principais artistas), Last FM Br; página de Pedro Inf -CANADA: Radio Vestibule I, -Canada II, -Canada III, MY SPACE, -ENGLAND: SomeBizarre Records , SomeBizarre Label , somebizarre, artists and catalog, Some Bizarre, Stevo, Stevo (comments), -ESTONIA: Klassika raadio (12º lugar), -FRANCE: VirginMega.Fr, -HOLLAND: X-Rated , Radio Kink fm I - , Radio Kink fm II - , Radio Kink fm III - , 7 Digital , 7 Digital II, -JAPÃO: Hatena, Amazon, -PORTUGAL: Tubarão Esquilo>, -RUSSIA: Radio Soyuz, Play List (16), -SPAIN: nVivo.es, -SWEDEN: Swedish DJ - see top 20 MARCH 2008, -TURKEY: TR-ance, -U.S.A. : Disco gs, DJ download , Amazone , Trackit Dow, FreeBase , Tower Records , Loot.co.za, HMV , SwapaCD , All music Import, Napster, DandeTracks, RoughTrade, NoolMusic, Emusic,
and so on...
Another "things" about Pedro:Click Here
Pedro Inf referenced by the music magazine "MOJO", two times, at 2008:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~00º00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Pedro Inf no Jornal do Commercio - Recife - Brasil